Compare Map Projections

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Compare Projections

Baranyi II vs. Fahey

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Projection No. 1:

Projection No. 2:

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  Baranyi II Fahey
Creator János Baranyi (1968) Lawrence Fahey (1975)
Group Pseudocylindric Pseudocylindric
Property Compromise Compromise
Other Names
Remarks Constructed with tabular coordinates rather than mathematical formulas.
See my blogpost Two Ginzburg and four Baranyi Projections.
recommended comparisons Fahey Baranyi II
This pairing is among the list of recommended pairings – but why?
While very much alike at first glance, in direct comparision the differences become quite obvious.

1. Comparison: Physical Map

Baranyi II
Baranyi II

2. Comparison: Political Map

Baranyi II
Baranyi II

3. Comparison: Silhouette Map

Click on projection’s name to hide it
Grey areas: Superimposition of projections
Baranyi II Silhouette Map
Fahey Silhouette Map

4. Comparison: Tissot Indicatrix, 30°

Baranyi II
Baranyi II Tissot Indicatrix
Fahey Tissot Indicatrix

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