WVG: Wagner Variations Generator
The Wagner Variations Generator (WVG) is a tool to, well…
generate Wagner variations. ;-)
Background information about that are provided in the article
The Wagner Projections (Part 3): Umbeziffern – The Wagner Transformation Method.
For several reasons, I decided to keep the generator outside of the site’s usual structure. There are two versions:
- The WVG-7 generates projections based on Wagner VII (and Wagner VIII is one of the variants);
- and the WVG-ESP (formerly known as WVG-9) varies several projections with Equally Spaces Parallels, including variations of Wagner IX.
So, give it a shot – and have fun creating your own Wagner variants!
By the way, in case you find a variant you like so much that you’d like to create real maps using it:
As of v3.2, the professional map projection software
Geocart supports the generalized Wagner
which is, just like the WVG-7, based on Wagner VII.
(And no, I’m not getting paid for this note.)
In case the short informations provided in the WVG aren’t enough to get what you can do there, just skim through the article about Umbeziffern.
New Januar 2021::
I came up with implementations of Wagner variations to be used with d3-geo-projection:
– the one for Wagner VII/VIII is part of the current d3-geo-projection distribution) since more than two years;
– and now, there’s also a solution for other projections (by Wagner and other creator).
See the index at
Customizable Wagner Projections using d3-geo – Seven Of Nine.
Note that these are a work in progress!
On all of them, there are Static Examples that show selected configurations incl. the source code to use them on a website, while the Interactive Examples will allow you to explore the variation possibilities. In contrast to the WVG-7/WVG-ESP, they even render the projection on the fly.
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