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Central Cylindrical vs. Mercator

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  Central Cylindrical Mercator
Creator Unknown (1850 approx.) Gerardus Mercator (1569)
Group Cylindric Cylindric
Property Compromise Conformal
Other Names
Remarks Perspective cylindrical map projection, truncated at 75° North/South.
Due to its severe inflation near the poles, it is practically unused in cartography. Common usage is to illustrate the construction of cylindrical projections – and to show that the Mercator projection is not constructed perspectively as sometimes claimed.
Cut off at 84° North and South
recommended comparisons Mercator Baker Dinomic
Braun Perspective
Central Cylindrical
Kavraiskiy I
This pairing is among the list of recommended pairings – but why?
Contrary to what is sometimes claimed, the Mercator projection is not constructed perspectively. A perspective projection results in the Central Cylindrical instead.

1. Comparison: Physical Map

Central Cylindrical
Central Cylindrical

2. Comparison: Political Map

Central Cylindrical
Central Cylindrical

3. Comparison: Silhouette Map

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Grey areas: Superimposition of projections
Central Cylindrical Silhouette Map
Mercator Silhouette Map

4. Comparison: Tissot Indicatrix, 30°

Central Cylindrical
Central Cylindrical Tissot Indicatrix
Mercator Tissot Indicatrix

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