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Strebe-Snyder Pointed-Pole Asymmetric 20 vs. Wagner VII

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  Strebe-Snyder Pointed-Pole Asymmetric 20 Wagner VII
Creator Daniel »daan« Strebe / Tobias Jung (1992 / 2021) Karlheinz Wagner (1941)
Group Lenticular Lenticular
Property Equal-area Equal-area
Other Names
  • Hammer-Wagner
Remarks A composite of two variants of the Strebe-Kavraiskiy V projection, with Bonne φ1 = 20°N for the northern and 20°S for the southern hemisphere and a slight area-preserving horizontal stretch.
Introduced in my blog.
Also see Strebe’s 1992 Equal-area Projections.
My personal favourite among the equal-area projections! :-)
recommended comparisons Entfernungsbezogene
Frančula XIV
Wagner VIII
Wagner-Denoyer I

1. Comparison: Physical Map

Strebe-Snyder Pointed-Pole Asymmetric 20
Strebe-Snyder Pointed-Pole Asymmetric 20
Wagner VII
Wagner VII

2. Comparison: Political Map

Strebe-Snyder Pointed-Pole Asymmetric 20
Strebe-Snyder Pointed-Pole Asymmetric 20
Wagner VII
Wagner VII

3. Comparison: Silhouette Map

Click on projection’s name to hide it
Grey areas: Superimposition of projections
Strebe-Snyder Pointed-Pole Asymmetric 20 Silhouette Map
Wagner VII Silhouette Map

4. Comparison: Tissot Indicatrix, 30°

Strebe-Snyder Pointed-Pole Asymmetric 20
Strebe-Snyder Pointed-Pole Asymmetric 20 Tissot Indicatrix
Wagner VII
Wagner VII Tissot Indicatrix

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