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Sinucyli [3]


[info]    Viewing options:      
  Sinucyli [3]
Creator Daniel »daan« Strebe (2017 [?])
Group Pseudocylindric
Property Equal-area
Other Names
Remarks Equal-area blend of the cylindrical equal-area and the sinusoidal projections, in this case using the following values:
Weight of sinusoidal: 0.8
Weighted axis: Horizontal
φ1: 30°N
Vertical stretch of sinusoidal: 1

The official introduction of the projection is pending (as of Oct 2017).
See also: Blogpost about the sinucyli projection.

Jump to different depiction of this projection:
Specified in [square brackets]: Actual size of the projection (minus the black or white background).
When marked with [≈], sizes with and without background are approx. the same.

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