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Strebe 1995 vs. Wagner VII

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  Strebe 1995 Wagner VII
Creator Daniel »daan« Strebe (1995) Karlheinz Wagner (1941)
Group Lenticular Lenticular
Property Equal-area Equal-area
Other Names
  • Hammer-Wagner
Remarks It’s something that’s not supposed to look too horribly unfamiliar, it’s not supposed to be sliced up with interruptions, and most importantly the major technique I used was to push the distortion the distortion into the Pacific as much as possible and preserve the shapes of the land areas, while also keeping the map equal area.
(cited from an interview at

Here on there’s an article about Strebe 1995 and 2011.
My personal favourite among the equal-area projections! :-)
recommended comparisons Strebe Asymmetric 2011 Entfernungsbezogene
Frančula XIV
Wagner VIII
Wagner-Denoyer I

1. Comparison: Physical Map

Strebe 1995
Strebe 1995
Wagner VII
Wagner VII

2. Comparison: Political Map

Strebe 1995
Strebe 1995
Wagner VII
Wagner VII

3. Comparison: Silhouette Map

Click on projection’s name to hide it
Grey areas: Superimposition of projections
Strebe 1995 Silhouette Map
Wagner VII Silhouette Map

4. Comparison: Tissot Indicatrix, 30°

Strebe 1995
Strebe 1995 Tissot Indicatrix
Wagner VII
Wagner VII Tissot Indicatrix

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