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Behrmann vs. Patterson Cylindrical

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  Behrmann Patterson Cylindrical
Creator Walter Behrmann (1910) Tom Patterson, Bojan Savric, Bernhard Jenny (2014)
Group Cylindric Cylindric
Property Equal-area Compromise
Other Names
Remarks The Patterson cylindrical balances polar exaggeration against maintaining the familiar shape of continents.

Read Introducing the Patterson Cylindrical Projection on

Here on there’s an article about Patterson Cylindrical.

Note: Up to the end of 2019 I showed a wrong rendition of the Patterson projection here (having a false aspect ratio). The current image is correct. Read the blogpost about this.
recommended comparisons Hufnagel 12 Miller
Equirectangular (28°)
Equirectangular (35.6°)

1. Comparison: Physical Map

Patterson Cylindrical
Patterson Cylindrical

2. Comparison: Political Map

Patterson Cylindrical
Patterson Cylindrical

3. Comparison: Silhouette Map

Click on projection’s name to hide it
Grey areas: Superimposition of projections
Behrmann Silhouette Map
Patterson Cylindrical Silhouette Map

4. Comparison: Tissot Indicatrix, 30°

Behrmann Tissot Indicatrix
Patterson Cylindrical
Patterson Cylindrical Tissot Indicatrix

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