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Cahill-Keyes vs. Waterman Butterfly (alternative arrangement)

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  Cahill-Keyes Waterman Butterfly (alternative arrangement)
Creator Gene Keyes (1975) Steve Waterman (1996)
Group Polyhedral Polyhedral
Property Compromise Compromise
Other Names
Remarks Inspired by the butterfly map by Bernard J. S. Cahill (1903).
More information in my blog.
Inspired by the butterfly map by Bernard J. S. Cahill (1903).
Usually, the four tips which show Antarctica get cut off to be assembled in an »island« below the butterfly.

More information in my blog.
recommended comparisons Waterman Butterfly Cahill Conformal Butterfly
This pairing is among the list of recommended pairings – but why?
These two are actually more similar than it might seem at first glance.

1. Comparison: Physical Map

Waterman Butterfly (alternative arrangement)
Waterman Butterfly (alternative arrangement)

2. Comparison: Political Map

Waterman Butterfly (alternative arrangement)
Waterman Butterfly (alternative arrangement)

3. Comparison: Silhouette Map

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Grey areas: Superimposition of projections
Cahill-Keyes Silhouette Map
Waterman Butterfly (alternative arrangement) Silhouette Map

4. Comparison: Tissot Indicatrix, 30°

Cahill-Keyes Tissot Indicatrix
Waterman Butterfly (alternative arrangement)
Waterman Butterfly (alternative arrangement) Tissot Indicatrix

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