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Miller vs. Patterson Cylindrical

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  Miller Patterson Cylindrical
Creator Osborn Maitland Miller (1942) Tom Patterson, Bojan Savric, Bernhard Jenny (2014)
Group Cylindric Cylindric
Property Compromise Compromise
Other Names
  • Miller’s cylindrical projection
  • Miller 1
  • Modified Mercator b
Remarks The Patterson cylindrical balances polar exaggeration against maintaining the familiar shape of continents.

Read Introducing the Patterson Cylindrical Projection on

Here on there’s an article about Patterson Cylindrical.

Note: Up to the end of 2019 I showed a wrong rendition of the Patterson projection here (having a false aspect ratio). The current image is correct. Read the blogpost about this.
recommended comparisons Miller, Compact
Equirectangular (28°)
Equirectangular (35.6°)
This pairing is among the list of recommended pairings – but why?
The Patterson projection derives from the Miller projection.

1. Comparison: Physical Map – scaled to fit

Patterson Cylindrical
Patterson Cylindrical

2. Comparison: Political Map – scaled to fit

Patterson Cylindrical
Patterson Cylindrical

3. Comparison: Silhouette Map – scaled to fit

Click on projection’s name to hide it
Grey areas: Superimposition of projections
Miller Silhouette Map
Patterson Cylindrical Silhouette Map

4. Comparison: Tissot Indicatrix, 30° – scaled to fit

Miller Tissot Indicatrix
Patterson Cylindrical
Patterson Cylindrical Tissot Indicatrix

5. Comparison: Physical Map – scaled to same width

Patterson Cylindrical
Patterson Cylindrical

6. Comparison: Political Map – scaled to same width

Patterson Cylindrical
Patterson Cylindrical

7. Comparison: Silhouette Map – scaled to same width

Click on projection’s name to hide it
Grey areas: Superimposition of projections
Miller Silhouette Map
Patterson Cylindrical Silhouette Map

8. Comparison: Tissot Indicatrix, 30° – scaled to same width

Miller Tissot Indicatrix
Patterson Cylindrical
Patterson Cylindrical Tissot Indicatrix

9. Comparison: Tissot Indicatrix, 15° – scaled to fit

Miller Tissot Indicatrix
Patterson Cylindrical
Patterson Cylindrical Tissot Indicatrix

10. Comparison: Tissot Indicatrix, 15° – scaled to same width

Miller Tissot Indicatrix
Patterson Cylindrical
Patterson Cylindrical Tissot Indicatrix

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