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Wagner VII.d vs. Frančula XIV

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  Wagner VII.d Frančula XIV
Creator Karlheinz Wagner (1941) Nedjeljko Frančula (1971)
Group Lenticular Lenticular
Property Equal-area Equal-area
Other Names
Remarks In 1941, Wagner introduced four variants of the projection that was derived from the azimuthal equal-area projection. The first variant is nowdays known as Wagner VII or Hammer-Wagner. This is one of the other three.

As far as I know, there’s no established name for this variant, so I decided to call it Wagner VII.d here.
A Wanger VII variant, derived by Umbeziffern from the equatorial azimuthal equal-area projection, minimized distortion by application of the Airy-Kavrayskiy criterion.
For more information, refer to my blogpost The Frančula Projections or Frančula’s original paper Die vorteilhaftesten Abbildungen in der Atlaskartographie (German).
recommended comparisons Wagner VII

1. Comparison: Physical Map – scaled to fit

Wagner VII.d
Wagner VII.d
Frančula XIV
Frančula XIV

2. Comparison: Political Map – scaled to fit

Wagner VII.d
Wagner VII.d
Frančula XIV
Frančula XIV

3. Comparison: Silhouette Map – scaled to fit

Click on projection’s name to hide it
Grey areas: Superimposition of projections
Wagner VII.d Silhouette Map
Frančula XIV Silhouette Map

4. Comparison: Tissot Indicatrix, 30° – scaled to fit

Wagner VII.d
Wagner VII.d Tissot Indicatrix
Frančula XIV
Frančula XIV Tissot Indicatrix

5. Comparison: Physical Map – scaled to same width

Wagner VII.d
Wagner VII.d
Frančula XIV
Frančula XIV

6. Comparison: Political Map – scaled to same width

Wagner VII.d
Wagner VII.d
Frančula XIV
Frančula XIV

7. Comparison: Silhouette Map – scaled to same width

Click on projection’s name to hide it
Grey areas: Superimposition of projections
Wagner VII.d Silhouette Map
Frančula XIV Silhouette Map

8. Comparison: Tissot Indicatrix, 30° – scaled to same width

Wagner VII.d
Wagner VII.d Tissot Indicatrix
Frančula XIV
Frančula XIV Tissot Indicatrix

9. Comparison: Tissot Indicatrix, 15° – scaled to fit

Wagner VII.d
Wagner VII.d Tissot Indicatrix
Frančula XIV
Frančula XIV Tissot Indicatrix

10. Comparison: Tissot Indicatrix, 15° – scaled to same width

Wagner VII.d
Wagner VII.d Tissot Indicatrix
Frančula XIV
Frančula XIV Tissot Indicatrix

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